resort marketing

Three Reasons To Get Strategic With Your Outdoor Brand's Social Media - Build A Campaign, This Season

We've all done it. A larger marketing project or business plan gets in the way of sharing on our business's social media channels. We pull some random content to share across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Then after the content is live, we wonder if what was shared really worked. Did the content entertain more than build the brand (i.e. classic Seinfeld meme), or did it serve up the hard sell with little to no engagement? Stop shooting from the hip and opt for applying a cohesive strategy, in this case a Social Media Campaign. Here are three reasons why it's time:

Seinfeld Meme for your social media strategy? Try building a proper social media campaign from the ground up
  1. New ways to frame content for your audience.

Community Managers are hungry for content to share. We're looking for compelling images, blog posts, videos and articles that will stir up engagement with followers. For all those one-woman (or man) marketing teams this is often harder to come by. With a strategic focus and theme, creating and executing a social media campaign inspires unique ways of looking at your resort-based business.  There is also an opportunity to re-purpose older content by putting a different spin on it, an easy-win when done right.

Content Creation on The Fly

2. Appeal to your guests or customers on an emotional level.

It's easy to fall into a cycle of constantly hitting our customers over the head with sales messages, especially on social media. But with the average organic reach of Facebook Fan page posts dipping below 1%, this strategy doesn't work. We have to be creative and romance our customers and guests a bit more. Creating a campaign that resonates with people will establish trust, which ultimately leads to a sales conversion anyway. If you still need a nudge in the right direction about connecting with customers check out Search Engine Watch's article: Nine ways brands can Improve Emotional Connections with Customers

Haters will say it’s photoshop. @mikeywright1 will say it hurt.

A photo posted by Quiksilver (@quiksilver) on


3. Measurable results.

Every marketer, business owner and community manager strives to prove the success of their efforts on social media. Applying the strategy of a formal social media campaign brings us closer to understanding purchase behavior and conversions. For example, hashtag campaigns, contesting, and paid-advertising all help us attribute a dollar value per customer or guest. We can get a much deeper understanding of how our marketing is working and if the time spent executing on social is equal to the payout.

Ready to build a social media campaign? Join me for an in-depth workshop at the Whistler Chamber October 3rd, 2016: More Social Media Workshop Details Here

Slopefiller Interview: What 7 Resort Marketers Think of Instagram’s Latest Round of Changes

Greg Blanchard is a highly respected voice in the ski resort marketing world as the primary blogger and analyst of Slopefillers. So, it's obviously huge honour to be recognized for our hard work at Whistler Blackcomb in any of his articles or posts. Check out my interview alongside seven other resort marketers focused on Instagram's most recent changes:   

Social Media Tips for Organically Targeting Ski Resort Audiences


1. Appeal to your destination visitors: Schedule Posts and Tweets to go live in harmony with different time zones.

Articles and social media specialists often suggest blanketed days and times to distribute content across social channels, but resort community managers need to think in broader terms than local appeal. A portion of Whistler Blackcomb’s social media audience doesn’t reside in our province or even our time zone. Keeping these destination visitors in mind, I typically schedule Facebook posts and Tweets to go live according to when they are awake and getting back online. Be bold, test odd hours and days of the week. Who knows, you may discover 3am on Wednesday morning is your social media sweet spot.

Be mindful:   If you schedule a post outside of working hours, don’t share content
that may require a quick response from your resort’s community manager.

2. Resorts have a variety of guests, stop trying to reach them all at once: Use the FacebookGeo Targeting feature to speak to specific audiences.


Step 1: Determine where your audience is from. In the Insights area of your resort’s

Facebook page, pay special attention to the breakdown of your audience by city,

country and language. Pick your top 3-4 audiences.

Step 2: Decide how you would like to target your message. Facebook will allow you to

target your post without spending money on ads. You can choose to target by gender,

relationship status, educational status, “interested in”, age, location or language.

Be mindful: Adding multiple targets will shrink your post’s reach.

Step 3: Go and create your “Status Update” in Facebook.

Once your post is ready to be scheduled or go live, pick the “Select Targeting” option. There you can choose from a

drop down menu of targeting options.

Be mindful: Remember, geo targeting is not an option when your post has already been scheduled or published.

Step 4: Experiment with your messaging to provoke higher engagement. Take those top

locations from your Facebook Insights research (plus languages if you’re extra savvy)

and segment your posts with messaging that speaks to each of these specific audiences.

A few “Targets” decoded:

Interested in – This will target your page’s fans that have specified in their

Facebook profile that they are either interested in Men or Women

Relationship Status – This option will allow you to target Facebook fans that have

specified whether they are Single, In a Relationship, Engaged or Married.

Location –When selecting this target click “All locations” to review a pop up

window with location options. Here you can target by Country, Region/State, or city.

Social Media “Must Do’s” for Getting Your Resort in Front of the Right Audience Without an Ad Spend

3.  Create a ripple effect of chatter about your new content: Create lists of social media influencers and bloggers to include in your Tweets.   

Webisodes, blog posts, Instagram take-overs, and photo galleries are creating a rich

element of digital storytelling for resort marketing is this year. Make your marketing

budget stretch by targeting social media influencers that may be interested in sharing

your content. Think outside of standard endemic and mass media contacts. For

example, if your resort produces a video for children’s snow school, target family

bloggers who have large Twitter and/or Instagram followings.